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News About Us. . . Nursery World is website of The Reference Publishing Co Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand. South Island Trade Day 2025 North Island Trade Day 2025 Click on the photo to see the list of 2024 exhibitors. Reach your market through Comm Hort . . . in the print edition Our next edition is the June/July 24 issue. Let us know your advertising requirements by end of month prior to print. Limited budget? Why not try just a Classified Ad in the magazine’s Marketplace section – prices start from as low as $30 and as an added bonus your ad will also appear under the Marketplace section of this website. Get your advertising messages and promotions immediately out to the nursery and related industries. We can help you with creating your ads. Please phone 09 358 2749 or email for assistance. NZ Nursery Register The 2023/24 edition of the NZ Nursery Register is available through this website. The Register is a fantastic place to advertise to reach the NZ garden industry. Many buyers make their copies last two or more years and the Register’s penetration is as high as 86% into some sectors. Please give us a call on 09 359 2749 for details or email Trade Lists On-Line Trade Lists On-Line (TLO) -- see button at top of this screen -- is an on-line extension of the NZ Nursery Register. It is a section of this website where nurseries can post their Trade Lists, many of which are indexed in a searchable database which now contains nearly 50,000 plants, many with detailed descriptions. TLO is available, by password access, to all buyers of the current edition of the Nursery Register, or by direct subscription - see TLO subscriptions left hand column. Searchers can find plants by name or attributes.
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